Make it Count

Location: kampala, kampala, Uganda

trying to find the real me. sometimes am an ambitious lady ready to conquer the world, sometimes a timid girl afraid to face the world

Monday, April 16, 2007

If you cant be white, at least be Red!

One, I am not a racist! Two, I am not very black. I don’t even know the colour of my skin. Is it coffee brown, lemon brown, orange orange or yellow orange?

Two people are dead in similar circumstances, the difference is that one is red the other is black. The black kid knocked down is no news; that the red Indian (investor) dead is news. (Headline!) Two Ugandans reporting! Even our super Journalist are not concerned! wait a minute, maybe they are, but the story won't sale. Whatever happened to Humanitarianism.

Rawal is like any other Ugandan doing Kyeyo abroad! That he died before he married the love of his life is very sad, something I wouldn’t wish for my worst enemy, but it is not a matter of national security! To the extent that red topped boys (military police) should be put at every Indian home! Its sad for anyone to die, so it is as sad that the young boy that was knocked down.

And how many Ugandans die there and no one is concerned. I don’t blame the Indians, or whites for that matter. I blame Ugandans for being so black at heart that they believe the worst is meant for them, and not for the reds and whites! I don’t even know the kid’s name, who knows him? (ani amumanyi?)