I don't love Bobbi Wine's songs, basically because I don't click them, and don't ask me who Bobbi Wine is, I have heard that question before, forgive my meanness, he is one of those local stars who have managed to Fake it and Make it. And a friend just explained one of his "hit song" to me "Kiwani" That 90% of women's hair is "Kiwana" as in Fake! and so is what they offer...again I disagree with him, 99% of stuff is Fake!
Its Fake and its spectacular!
You can fake everything from a hand bag to nationality! The reason justifies the act. You may have to Fake an American accent at the immigration office at a Kampala airport because the Americans get better treatment at the UGANDAN airport or to impress a chick next door!
You may have to fake being a Rwandese because you are lucky that you come from some where close to the Ugandan border and where you live Rwandese are hot! But of course you may want to pass as Rwandese until the job you really want is strictly for Ugandans!
You don't have to spend $500 on a ring to propose to her, there is definitely a Fake but spectacular copy of it at 10K as in shillings! You don't have to spend 10k in the Cinema for a movie, there is a Fake but spectacular copy of the movie premiering on Kla Rd at half the price or better still, a translated copy.
There is this job you want but you definitely wont qualify, Fake the C.V! you will sort it out at the interview!
You don't have to go to Arapapa to look like Juliana...just get a copy of a newspaper, copy the design and find a Fake but spectacular copy in Owino!
You don't have to leave your man wondering whether he pleased you or not, just Fake it.
And if you cant write, fake a blog. I just did!
You are the master of the game, but be sure you know how long you are going to kiss the frog before you meet the prince!
Its Fake and its spectacular!
You can fake everything from a hand bag to nationality! The reason justifies the act. You may have to Fake an American accent at the immigration office at a Kampala airport because the Americans get better treatment at the UGANDAN airport or to impress a chick next door!
You may have to fake being a Rwandese because you are lucky that you come from some where close to the Ugandan border and where you live Rwandese are hot! But of course you may want to pass as Rwandese until the job you really want is strictly for Ugandans!
You don't have to spend $500 on a ring to propose to her, there is definitely a Fake but spectacular copy of it at 10K as in shillings! You don't have to spend 10k in the Cinema for a movie, there is a Fake but spectacular copy of the movie premiering on Kla Rd at half the price or better still, a translated copy.
There is this job you want but you definitely wont qualify, Fake the C.V! you will sort it out at the interview!
You don't have to go to Arapapa to look like Juliana...just get a copy of a newspaper, copy the design and find a Fake but spectacular copy in Owino!
You don't have to leave your man wondering whether he pleased you or not, just Fake it.
And if you cant write, fake a blog. I just did!
You are the master of the game, but be sure you know how long you are going to kiss the frog before you meet the prince!
Problem with faking it that you may have to live with the fake. And that isn't easy.
And this blog is pretty much the original. As in, the 500K necklace equivalent of blogs.
@27 Comrade..
U r so right..Faking needs alot of work..LOL
OMG!! U mean this blog is fake!!LOL! And da way I like it!! LOL!
Am too poor at faking coz I can never Last..I used 2 fake my name bt Could forget about my *new* name n Could be caught out fast!!
Great Post Rae!!
rae this is a master piece
if your blog is fake then fake is not bad,
and about the man issue..are you seriuos?
you fake it good!
Post already!
yeah, hit us with something new!
I loove this chick!
can you tell if I am faking it?
but honestly- nice, very nice
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